Not in any order...
1. They stink.
2. Their hair sheds and gets over many things such as:
- blankets
- furniture
- carpet
- pillows
3. The constantly have to be let "in" and "out". Usually right when you are in the middle of something.
4. When you are eating, they won't leave your side.
5. They lick EVERYTHING
6. They jump on you
7. Sometimes, when they greet a stranger, they sniff them in parts that I won't mention.
8. They have to eat.
9. You have to buy special food for them.
10. You have to pay for shots, and doctors trips for them.
11. You have to bathe them.
12. You have to take them to get groomed!
13. They sit in your living room and chew on bones.
14. The reason you give them bones is to get them to stop bothering you for attention!
15. When you want to go on vacation, somebody has to watch them. "Favors" aren't fun.
16. They have throw -up accidents.
17. They have poop accidents.
18. They bark at anything.
19. If you want to have them trained, you have to train them! It takes a lot of time.
20. If you don't want to train them, you have to pay and send them away to school.
21. Sometimes dogs run away.
22. Some people are allergic to dogs.
23. Some people can't come over to your house if you have a dog because of reason #22.
24. They don't like to sit in a cage while you are at work all day.
25. If you don't put them in a small little area, they will have accidents, under your bed.
26. They get old, and delusional.
27. They manage to make the most annoying sounds imaginable.
28. They poop all over your back yard.
29. They don't clean up after themselves.
30. If you have a dog, you WILL step in it's poop.
31. You have to have them spayed or neutered, you know why.
32. If your dogs has puppies, trust me, it is the worst smell in the world!
33. Puppies eat your favorite toys/shoes/anything.
34. They want to sleep with you. And won't take no for an answer.
35. They need exercise.
36. You have to take them for walks.
37. They drink out of your toilet.
38. They get into the garbage.
39. They snore.
40. They take over your furniture.
41. You can't get their pee smell out of your carpet.
42. Their hair gets on your cloths.
I may add to this list later.
Don't get me wrong, I do like dogs. In fact, I always feel bad for them, so I give them my food, which of cousre they repay me by gassing. :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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