I put on my lovely apron and washed and dried all my romaine and iceberg lettuce, and put it in a tupperware just for salad. (Thanks Kat!)
Then I put aside two other tupperwares, one for salad veggies, and one for snacking veggies.
I chopped and cut all of my green peppers, celery, carrots, and red cabbage. I didn't do anything to my cucumber, because I don't want it to get slimy.
Side note: Red Cabbage is a beautiful, delicious vegetable. It is perfect for a quick salad. I wish my sister and I were neighbors so we could split one. One head of cabbage produces a lot of food! I didn't think my neighbors would want any...but they did enjoy the banana nut bread I made for them :)
Anyway, when Darrin got home he said that our neighbor heard me listening to Backstreet Boys...I am not ashamed I do love pop music, but I was so embarrassed! Perfect timing for your smoke break, Shawna! Oh well...better that than the BG's :)
I miss Mings...today I tried to eat Chinese food...it was a disaster! I would teach myself the ways of cooking chinese (since Darrin bought be a wok from IKEA) but I know it is complicated to make from scratch. Actually...my Grandmother sent me a recipe for sweet and sour chicken...I'll let you know how that goes :)
I have an interview tomorrow! It is at a Chevorlet car dealership... I don't know how promising it is...I'll let you know on that too. I called the bank I applied at today, they don't want my services. shoot.
Well, my house is spotless, me and Darrin cleaned yesterday, so I am going to write some letters. Thank you to all the people who send me lovely notes :) I love getting letters in the mail!
I miss him...SO much...

This is from Christmas!
thumbs up to you on the veggy prep! i wish i was your neighbor so that you would make me banana nut bread! also, shawn found this frozen veggy stir fry mix...all you have to do is cut up some chicken, use those veggys and some seasoning (make some--not minute--brown rice) and it's easy!!
I am so glad to hear of someone else who is a sucker for pop music!!
Hi Mary! I like your blog!
Smiling that you share my sentiments for cabbage :)
The two of you look so happy, and make me reminice about that lovely honeymoon season of life...it is beautiful!
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