I have short, stubby nails. Since I was sixteen I have had help with my nails...it has been my therapy to get them done. Now, I have decided to go back to doing them myself. We will see how long this goes...right now my nail color is black.
This morning we went to CANVAS church. A new churchplant from Atlanta that seems well organized and modern. It meets in a movie theater for now, has an amazing worship band, and a love for people, through God. Doug (the pastor) talked about what it means to really follow God. He challenged us this week to let go of that thing that we aren't letting God have control of, or to do the thing we are feeling led to do. For me, I am challenging myself just to spend more time with God, by reading the bible and seriously praying.
Last night we watched the movie FIREPROOF. I wasn't very excited to see it, but it was an amazing movie. GO SEE IT! Its not a cheesy christany movie...its real life.
Yesterday I washed our sheets and towels for the first time. And was allowed to fold them how I wanted! (HA MOM!!!) Except that I fold my towels the exact same way as my mother taught me, over and over again. Ahhh. I am so much like Karen in so many ways. I see it more and more everyday. Its not a bad thing though, I am so thankful for all she has taught me. I think after I have been feeding Darrin, and keeping things clean, he is too. I am thankful for Kathy too, she has taught Darrin so much about loving me, staying on top of things and cleaning! YAY! I hope I am a good mom too...
(next week...DADS! :) )
I really miss all my friends and family back home...but I really love it here! It is just weird to think about how far away from "home" I am.
I finished the book "The Diplomats Wife" (thanks to Kelsey for the loan of it) it was so good! It had a great story, characters that you felt for, it kept my reading for the next page, if you know what I mean. I LOVED it.
Darrin and I think we are Doug and Kerri from King of Queens. We now own 4 seasons (thanks to Circuit City for going out of business) we have been watching them everyday since we got here.
I can't think of any good conversations...but me and Darrin have been laughing a lot, does that count? :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
my nails are black too!
i'm doing something SO "mom" right now...cleaning up the lunch dishes, listening to KGBI...it is music, but it would be wayyy better if it was chucks windol (that IS his name,right haha)
also, i had twiches (the disney movie w/ tina & tamara) on today and they had background music of that one ally & aj song that we sang coming back from ponca...remember?!
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