February 2008: Was still living at Grace, with a new (nightmare) roommate. I celebrated my birthday at Meema's with family (hm, even one of my estranged cousins was there now that I think of it) at then flew to Orlando to meet Darrin for the weekend. Kathy had sold Cherry Bean and it was about to go down hill.
March 2008: Still at Grace, working full time at Cherry Bean Coffee. Took a road trip with the Dicks to Savannah to see Darrin over everyone's spring break. Got back the day before Easter, first miserable holiday with Mom and Dad separated :(
April 2008: Was still in AWANA every Wednesday, and then after that spending the night at Meema and Poppa's with Joe and Elsie.
I think on the 24th was when the D process started. Oh yes, this was a TERRIBLE month! I remember! I had no home, I missed Darrin so bad, was haveing anxiety attacks and was on the verge of a major breakdown! Its all coming back to me :) I will say this, the Lord was with me all the way, he really taught me a lot. Quit my job at Cherry Bean.
May 2008: Couldn't wait to finish school, flew out on Joe's birthday to see Darrin. Got engaged on May 8th! Darrin came back for a visit, and then I counted the days until there would be no more separation periods. Started working at the Target Deli, and started wedding planning!
June 2008: Officially moved in with my in-laws. Had my own room and everything! Still working at Target and planning the wedding. Counseled at CYIA. Darrin came home for good!
July 2008: Worked at Target, and was introduced to Ford. Went on family vacation with Dad to Adventureland!
August 2008: Quit Target, started working full time at Ford, as my Mother in Law's assistant! We had a BLAST!! Spend many weekends at Riverland! Throughout the summer we went out to Dennis and Kathy's wonderful get away place in Blair, NE.
September 2008: Basically got paid to plan my wedding, bonded with Kathy. Started going to school concerts and volleyball games! Went to Savannah to scout out an apartment, take engagement pictures, and take a mini vacation.
October 2008: PONCA!!! We didn't celebrate holloween, but went to Ponca State Park with the Burke family.
November 2008: Worked, planned the wedding. Had Thanksgiving at Mom's with the Dicks' ( - Shawn and Anna)
December 2008: Back to Savannah to be in Chris and Jennifer's wedding, and to secure our Apartment. Christmas festivities! Wedding countdown begins...
January 2009: Stopped working at Ford. Had my Wedding! Moved to Savannah, GA.
February 2009: Am happily married! Looking for a job. Feeling incredibly loved and blessed.
Thank you for your time :) Now here are some pictures...
Christmas with Dad...
One of my wedding showers...

Engagement Pictures in Savannah...

On Vacation!

Me in Ashland (Photo courtesy of Joe)
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