Here are a few lists of my own:
List # 1.
Birthdays to remember:
Dad- Feb. 19
Darrin - Feb. 19
Liz - March 14
Caroline - March 17
Megan - March 31
Anna - April 7
Joe - May 7
((Kelsey Grad. Gift May 9))
Mom - May 25th
Kami - June 19th
I know that I am looking a little far into the future, but I want to stay prepared!
List # 2.
Things I (and Darrin) am leaving in the Lord's hands...but still thinking about.
- Do we need another car? Where will we get one?
- Will we be able to make it back home in May? And can I please be there for Joe's golden birthday? Especially since I am missing his first communion?!?
- Were will we move after Savannah?
- IS there a church here that we can call home?
- How can I witness to my neighbors that I have nothing in common with?
Ok, those are kind of personal, and come off whiney. But they are not. Those are things that are on my heart, and I am looking to the Lord for answers!
List # 3.
Bed Bath and Beyond - They might contact me in a couple weeks.
Dan Vaden Chevrolet- denied after an interview.
Darby Bank - they don't need me either.
Target - not hiring at the time (could they have told me this BEFORE I took 40 minutes to apply?)
Starbucks - good luck.
Armstrong Bookstore - They might contact me.
Horizon Staffing Company (They help you find jobs, I gave them my resume, application and interviewed) - looks positive.
Longhorns - They might have something open, I interview tomorrow. Beggars can't be choosers, but I really don't want to waitress! - unlikely.
Cleaning rental houses on Tybee Island - waiting for 2nd email response.
Paris Market - I called back today, his business still isn't I'm taking that as a no.
Tomorrow we are going to see where else I can apply, possible a few more banks!
List # 4.
Things I am thankful for.
*Our ever-lovin family who still loves and supports us.
*Our cozy apartment.
*Community Bible Church
*Ford Storage
*Mine and Darrin's health.
* Our car.
* The internet and our phones.
*The ocean.
* Darrins creative mind, and hard work ethic.
* Our friends that we have down here.
* That our apartment is rodent/bug free.
* Our for the most part, quite neighbors.
* My loving and patient husband.
* Good books!
* Coffee with half and half sprinkled with cinnamon.
*My new straightener and bed head products that make my hair look decent, so I don't have to pay for a hair cut!
* Freedom.
Well thats about it, but I want to share one thing with you salad lovers.
Add a few craisins to your salad. No matter what dressing, they taste delicious! They are a very inexpensive way to add something to your old salad!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
i am so impressed at your effort to find a new job! :-) and i know exactly what you mean about target...the same thing happened to me...and they had "now hiring" signs everywhere! ugh.
great new blogs!
1. alfred...kinda scary, right?
2. i am obsessed w/ crasins. i eat a bag in 2 days...and that is holding back
3. your dog list is funny...true...yet, how can't you just love indi! ;)
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