Just a few things...
1. Why does everyone feel the need to update their facebook status every 5 minutes? That's just ridiculous!
2. Twitter? Pah-leez! In case networking wasn't creepy/stalkerish enough.
3. I like facebook, but sometimes I don't feel like communicating through it! So if someone writes to me, good luck getting a response :) Does anyone else feel like this? I feel guilty. Sort of.
Here are a few things that have been bothering me lately...
When people always have an excuse for why their life sucks...
* I have homework
* My car isn't nice enough
*I've had this cell phone for A YEAR!!!
* So and So is so...
* I need this person so bad...
* I am sad the weekend is over!
Ok, I could go on, but you get my drift. No I am not saying that I am not guilty of whining or complaining. And I know sometimes in life, we go through some really hard times. But come on people, having to actually have to live your life isn't actually anyones problem!
I am not really talking about anyone specific, this is just something that I have been thinking about lately. And wanted to encourage YOU, as I am trying myself, to just be a little more positive :)
thanks, minnow! good blog. and good reminders!
Hey Mary!
I appreciate this as well
And..I agree about the facebook updating and Twitter..c'mon people!
love you
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