This is a little purchase I made a few weeks ago, and what a life saver it is! If you are like me, you have a million different things going on (and I don't even have kids) and your mind just can't hold all the important dates in. I used to keep my own planner, that I would carry around in my purse, but now, Darrin and I both have things going on, that we both want to know about! This dry erase board is not only practical, but very enjoyable to write on! (please ignore my nerdy Sunday writings, I get kind of carried away...) I have ours hanging on the refrigerator, but I did have to buy some extra strength velcro to keep it up there. And yes, our schedules are color coordinated :)
Happy Sunday!
Here is an exert from the book Experiencing God, but Henry & Richard Blackbay...I highly recommend this book. I am on week 6, and it is changing my life, and the way I look at things! It is very convicting, in a good way!
"Don't let experience alone guide your life. Don't allow yourself to be led by tradition, a method, or a formula. Often people trust these ways because they appear easier than cultivating an intimate walk with God. People do as they please and put the whole burden of responsibility on God. If they are wrong, He must intervene and stop them. If they make a mistake, they blame Him. God is not obligated to stop you from making a mistake! I f you want to know the will and voice of God, you must devote time and effort to cultivate a love relationship with Him. That is what He wants!
Until next time....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
great new look!
wedding colors, i get it.
of course the whiteboard is color coordinated.
sidenote: my students use markerboards. almost everyday i mess up & can't remember if they call them whiteboards or markerboards. they must think i am a lame brain :)
i'm so glad for your study! ...and can't wait to start mine!
now can you not see my comment? because i can...
yes :)
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