i don't have any pictures.
i have a million things in my head.
i feel guilty for not writing for so long.
i am self conscious of my blog.
BUT FEAR NOT (Anna, Darrin and Aunt Anne) JUST FOR THE 3 OF YOU, I WILL WRITE!!!
(anyone else who actually reads this, feel free to comment if you LIKE my writtings :) )
Anyways, enough babbling. On with the show!...or something like that.
Once upon a time I told you about a surprise trip Darrin had planned...it was back in JUNE (gasp!) and we went to Miami! We left on a Friday at about 5 and arrived in Miami at midnight. Stopped at an over priced Holiday Inn and then drove 4 hours on Saturday to the key right before Key West. It was worth all the time we drove, because the view was just gorgeous...white sand and turquoise waters. Then we drove back to Miami to pick up Shawn and Anna from the airport to spend some time with them on their layover! We had so much fun cruising up and down south beach, and eating at a restaurant on the water.
The rest of June basically consisted of laying out at my pool or the beach and working part time at a hair salon. It was a very relaxing summer, I am so glad I was able to enjoy the Savannah heat!
On July 17th, Darrin's siblings and two friends came to visit for the weekend. That was a lot of fun to see everyone. As a suprise for Kathy's birthday, I booked a photographer to take our pictures...I think they turned out great, and I think she liked them :) We wanted everyone to stay for so much longer, but they left that Monday. It was really sad for some reason...we miss all of our family!
On July 18th my mom was re-married. If she actually read this blog I would write more, but she doesn't....so....
On July 25th Anna came and stayed for a whole 5 days! (Thanks Shawn!) For those of you with a sister, you know that NO ONE:
1. knows you better
2. makes you laugh till you cry
3. relates to you
4. has the same memories
5. likes the same things
6. has the same characteristics
7. is your best friend
thank God for sisters. I would go on to talk about all the beach-lovin, yahtzee- playin, wave-dominatin, music-jammin, bargain-shoppin time we had, but I am only in July and it is almost October...pressing on...
The day after Anna left my family came down...all 6 of them (oh, except my beloved father :( who we missed so much). They all stayed for two nights and then we sent mom and Jeff off to Florida...so we could have so REAL fun :) just kidding...but there is something about having no "adults" (little does Joe realize that me and Darrin are actually adults, shhhhhh, don't tell him! Then he might stop telling me his secrets and giving me kisses)
Anyways, we had a blast with those guys...of course you all know how much my siblings mean to me, so I won't gush anymore....buttheyarethebestinthewholeworld.
After mom and J got back we left for Omaha. I don't know what I was thinking when I planned the 11 day trip AWAY from Darrin...but I had so much fun back in Omaha...here's what I did:
1. went to adventureland with dad and the kids...for the 1st time in 8 months, I finally felt like i could let my guard down and breathe. i was laying in my hotel bed, and caroline was watching t.v next to me, and dad and joe were doing something, and for a minute i just felt great. i don't think i every realized what a daddy's girl i am until i moved away from him...it was great.
2. went to the zoo.
3. ate (gaggg) sushi.
4. had long talks with my grandmother.
5. went to meema and poppas house (one of the best places on earth).
6. watched an ole game of sand volleyball.
7. saw some good-old friends.
8. went to my moms wedding reception.
9. cleaned my mom's house.
10. sat in the dick's living room and talked with dennis and kathy...always wonderful.
11. walked around darrin's old house, it was bittersweet. i LOVE that house, but i missed darrn. and it reminded me of when i used to live in omaha without darrin...that wasn't very enjoyable.
12. went to the ole grace dorms.
13. hung out with my friends. my real friends.
14. at runza.
15. had dad's homemade dinner.
Ok, then I got back into Savannah and I was back home again. wherever Darrin is, thats where I want to be.
I started my "new" job as soon as I got back, and after 6 weeks, am still loving it!
We have got into a yet new (routine) this fall.**
Labor Day weekend brough us Darrin's parents, Dennis and Kathy. They arrived Friday evening and stayed until early Tuesday morning. It was such a treat to have them here, although the whole weekend I felt like death :( We love them so much and loved going on all the double dates! But they would never let us pay for ANYTHING! We are so spoiled. It was a nice relaxing weekend, and they got us into the habit of going on walks! Now I don't want to poke my eyes out, I actually enjoy it! and I now walk 2 miles everyday during lunch...thanks D & K!
This past weekend was yet another vacation for us...we went up to Toccoa, GA with our friend Laura to see our good friend and her boyfriend, Robbie. We had a great time in the beautiful small town, near the mountains! The weather was gorgeous, and those two are so fun to be with. It was a great weekend.
Well there is a little peak into the lives of me and Darrin! Hopefully now that I have caught up I will actually blog more :)
thought of the day...
God is pursuing a love relationship with us! He is making an effort, are you?
**Ok here is an average week for us:
7:30 am...I am up cleaning, doing laundry, singing, drinking coffee, and getting ready for my day. I have the most energy in the morning so I take hold of it!
8:40 am...kiss my still sleeping love (because he was probably up until about 2am) goodbye and I am on my way to work! This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made...well, you know the song.
6:00 pm...I am off of work! Darrin has been to 2 classes that day and is somewhere doing homework or work. I am heading to my "Power of a Praying Wife" womens-dinner bible study.
8:00 pm...me and Darrin time!
10:00 pm...I can't keep my eyes open...so I go to bed, and as I am falling asleep Darrin goes to to homework...this is the time when he now has a lot of good energy!
Tuesday...about the same except that Tuesday nights are free!
Wednesday...we meet at Blitz...the jr. high youth group at church.
Thursday...Darrin is at church rehearsal until about 9:00pm or so...girls night for me!
Friday...small group or date night!
Saturday...sometimes I work from 8-5, and Darrin always works from around 1 or so until about 7:45 at church...I go to an "Experiencing God" bible study at 6:15pm at church.
Sunday...Church together in the am, then we do whatever, and then we go downtown to a more contemporary service of our church at 7:01pm.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey babe, finally, you're back to blog, love you're writing, and I love all the fun times we had together these last couple months, and I love YOU!
great update! YOU ARE WALKING 2 MILES A DAY OVER YOUR LUNCH HOUR?! mary! that is SO great! you are going to be so fit!
i wish i was a morning person. you probably should start calling me to get me out of bed. my hair would look better for school... :)
keep up the blog! i love it!
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