Just some thoughts...
- On Monday, one of my friends sisters was in a bad car accident and died. It was quite a shock, and really got me thinking about my friends and family...when someone dies, even if you aren't that close to them, it really messes up the normal, and gets you thinking...I hurt for the family, but am so happy to know that she is in the arms of her savior, in a place we all wish to be...heaven!
- On Tuesday, I reconnected with 2 of my friends from high school, that was fun...but I was sad to say I wouldn't be home until May! We won't make it home for Christmas because of baby making its debut, and my sister graduates in May, so that's when we are planning to go back! I cringed at the thought of not seeing most of my family till then, and missing my favorite weekend...Ponca. But I was ok! God has really blessed us, I love living here with Darrin, and I know God will provide all our needs for baby.
- On Wednesday, Darrin came home and told me to check my email...in it, I found my flight itinerary for Wednesday, October 20th! I cried...because I am pregnant. Because I haven't for a long time. Because I get to see my family. Because I don't want to leave him for 9 days. Because I felt so happy!
-On Thursday, Anna told me about some last minute planning she, Dar and my moms had done. I couldn't be happier and feel more loved. And then I talked to
Bentley and we already have lots of things planned together.
- Today Darrin got up early to play basketball, I slept in. We ate lunch and watched a really dumb movie (The Killers) and then did a little shopping...then we both made a huge dish of Apple Crisp for small group tonight...I am really starting to look forward to my pizza and pop on Friday nights!
- Tomorrow we will go to Simpsonville and Greenville...and then watch (hopefully) the Huskers dominate Texas. Ahhh...what a lovely week!