One of my dreams has always been to take a rainy weekday and sleep in with my husband. Well, today that dream came true! Darrin got off of work early, at 8:30a, and my walk around lake Mayor with April was canceled. It has been raining since late last night. Darrin turned on King of Queens and in a minute was fast asleep. Now instead of getting up and doing whatever it is I needed to do, I took this time to cuddle up next to Darrin, enjoy the feeling of my new crispy white sheets, and pray. When I can't sleep, I find that that is the time when I utter my most thoughtful and heartfelt prayers. So after a lazy morning of sleeping in and enjoying every minute with Darrin, I am finally up, and Darrin is back at work!
I wish I had pictures from last evening. We went out to, oh man, I don't even know what its called. It is a place where people dock their boats, and you can jet ski and stuff. Its like the little lake that leads to the ocean. Anyways, our friends April and Jared have a jet ski and were taking it for the first ride of the year. Jet skiing in itself is a blast, but imagine jet skiing with two dolphins! It was incredible, we think they liked the noise, because they seemed to follow us! I have to admit, I was a little scared, but in awe of these creature nonetheless.
yay for dreams come true. your morning sounds like so much fun, mary! and jet skiing with dolphins?! wow. that is amazing!
i think i would be kinda scared of the dolphins. like, they might bite/pinch my arm! or my toe...
new sheets?! i really should get some too!
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