Today Anna graduated from college. I have been thinking of her all day, sad that I couldn't share this very special time with her. Graduating from college, what an accomplishment! While I don't think I will ever experience this, nor do I want to, it certainly is something admirable. Congrats Anneliese! You will make a great teacher!

This picture describes us perfectly. Different in so many ways, yet so similar.
On a different not, per Anna's request, I will write an update on my life.
Work is going great. A new girl, Nikki started 2 weeks ago, and it is so fun to work with her. On Friday both overcame our huge fear and started stepping on the huge cockroaches. Instead of spraying the heck out of them with raid, or trying to try to squish them with an object before they ran away. I can't believe I step on these things, but its really easy. And is saving me from a mini heart attack everytime I spot one. I am bigger than them!
My boss, Roy, has a lot of property. On one of those acres is a garden and a beautiful pond/lake. I have been working in the garden, purely for therapy reasons. I go sometimes when Darrin is at work, it is a rewarding thing. This is why...
-I feel like I can be a good witness to Roy, and Tommy (my black,61 year old, toothless, friend. And we really are becoming friends.).
-The dirt (although rather sandy) takes me back to when I used to garden with my mother. I feel like I am doing something that she would be proud of.
-I secretly smell the tomato plants, and I feel like I am back in Wahoo. Just me and my mom gardening. I think all summer my mom would smell like tomato plants. Yum...
-It is relaxing to listen to the birds, see God's creation, and actually do some hard work.
- Although I come home sweaty and covered in dirt, I get to show Darrin a part of me that he hasn't seen before. And he likes it.
Speaking of Darrin, he is working a lot. Not because we are struggling to make end meet, but because he is genuinely a very hard worker. He feels that if he has spare time on his hands, he should be working! I think with the jobs he is working, the Lord has really used it to humble him (I think everyone should experience on of these jobs, mine was working at Target.) But he is liking it. He works 5a-10a at Panera, goes to class, and then about 2 days he goes out to the car wash until about 8:30. That is just Monday-Friday, on Saturday he works all day at the car wash, and then Sundays he works at either job. It has worked out because when he works on Sunday morning, we are able to have a date night downtown. We eat dinner, and then go to LATEchurch (which meets at a really neat, old theatre) and then we go up to SCAD so he can work on homework.
So we are managing to hang out...we joined a small group that meets on Wednesday nights, and it really is proving to be a huge blessing in our life. We are meeting really cool people.
This weekend we are going home to visit for a few days...I am really excited, but nervous for some reason! I wonder what my emotions will be like, If I will be a crying mess, or if I will be normal. I just never know these days :)
Thats about it for now...we are really loving it here in this city. I grow to like it more and more everyday. I am just loving this stage in my life. Even if my sisters are 1200 miles away. Even if I don't have kids like all my neighbors. I am content with what God is doing in my life...and content to be my husbands helper!